people always thought studying in a POLYTECHNIC is like a breeze...very slack & blar blar blar...
but let me tell you this...HELL NO!!!
we may be having a much easier time compared to a JC student's never easy to be a poly student too ((:
we do study & mug hard too!!
we do study & mug hard too!!
my mugging sessions with BFFs : felicia & cassandra

i didnt notice her toe nail colour until she took off her sneakers!!!
SAME colour but DIFFERENT foot size !!!!
why my feet soooooooooooooooooo F.A.T =.=
p.s: it's sooo difficult to buy shoes with such ginormous feet )):
this is not a camwhore photo BTW...
just wanna show everyone my dark eye rings due to late night studies for NIGHTS...
MADNESS CUTE photo of BFF!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
took it by accident but its soooo cute luh!!!!!! :DD
k..finally a normal photo of her ((:
hope to see her around soon as she is realllllly buzy with her school work now...
fel♥ doesnt have common test like cass & i...but she have tons of projects to finish is super short deadlines...yup,,that's the difference between a media student & the engineering, life science student ((:
we actually CAMWHORE a lot to make ourselves awake... pass time too...heehee
camwhore halfway myself...then i realize my eye bags are really heavy...
O.O ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!
T3 is a really quiet & comfortable place to study in...
free air-con & super duper quiet except for times when tourist snores in between their sleep...
example of those 'noises'
zoooooooom in... it is actually 2 men snoozing away
we brought 1 for 1 coke float @ MAC
yum yum^~^
BFF camwhore ♥
*she cover her fringe a little because she scare it goes center-parting again!!!!*
but no one seems to really care about this signboard anyway...i saw design students sketching away near our chairs ((:
LOVE these pictures of the DAY^^
OK.... camwhore done!!!
when we're about to pack & go for MAC value breakfast...the 2 men have gone without knowing!!!!
hahahahaha's really tiring to study throughout the night...we spent most of the time chatting to keep ourselves awake & camwhore to be alert..
we just slept throughout in the bus while on our way home tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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