
Showing posts with label Hair sponsor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair sponsor. Show all posts

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Salon De Choix: BANG BANG BANGS!

Last month, I'm back at Salon De Choix for my monthly mane maintenance...
After a loooooong contemplation that lasted for a few months, I finally made up my mind to go back to bangs again!

Why the long contemplation?
Well, to start with...I remembered how determine I was to grow out my very own long fringe and how I wanted to flip them back & forth. Have no bad fringe days when I sleep on the wrong side of the bed, no baby hair sticking out everywhere like static etc.. *the list can go on forever~*

But I came to a point where... I wanna have a huge change.
Changing my hair colour is not gonna make the cut anymore...
I dont wanna chop my hair any shorter as well and so, BANGS it is!
Plus, nobody can deny that short fringe makes you look younger too!
Which is a good thing right?! 

So here's my hair before the change!

Monday, August 17, 2015

#20 Salon De Choix: Sombré

Hi everyone!
If you've been following my Instagram, you would have noticed that I have upgraded into the working society and am enjoying the whole new career life right now!
To have best of both worlds of looking professional at my job without losing my fashion hues,
Chester gave me a whole new sombré hairstyle that suits the corporate look without looking too dull (:
Going corporate doesn't mean you're gonna lose all that fashion away!
In fact, there are many more hairstyles and creative colours you can explore!
Follow my blog regularly as I show you how you can play with creative colours and hairstyles to match the corporate world without losing the vogue style!~ 

If you're wondering what is Sombré, you can read my previous entry on it by clocking the link below >>>

Here's my pink tresses before the session (:
I like how the washout pink tresses still look sooo nice after almost 2 months!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

#19 Salon De Choix: PINK HAIR again!♥

Hey everyone!
If you have been following me on my Instagram, 
you would have known that I've recently had PINK hair!

Not the whole head of course! Just a few streaks of them.
I wanted them as a self reward for successfully finishing my university course 
and heading into the real working world soon!
So before heading in, I wanna have my favourite hair colour for my mini graduation trip to Bangkok!
p.s.: I'll be blogging about my Bangkok trip soon so you can see more pictures of my pink hair (real soon I promise*)

So without further a due, 
let me show you my HOT PINK HAIR!
(with half my do read on to see the full details!)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

#18 Salon De Choix: Interview Ready

If you have been following me on my Snapchat & Instagram (@triciakohh), 
you would have noticed that I've been embarking on another whole new journey right now and slowly moving into the working adult world.

In order to even step into this world, everyone would definitely have to go through this path called The Interview.
Now, I know that some of you who are reading this might not have graduated yet but...soon you will.
And by then, you will have to face the same scenario as I am right now. 
So let me give you some of my tips to ace your interview!
The minute you step into the company for the interview. People judge.
I know this sounds really superficial but everyone judges the minute they see you.
Needless to say, an interview.
Dress smart if you're intending to be a salesman, OL, business man of any sort.
You can definitely dress nicer if you're a designer etc but my main point here is that you have to impress your interviewer appropriately.

They look from HEAD TO TOE.
Meaning, you will not only have to dress professionally. 
You have to look presentable.
They will definitely look at your tidiness, cleanliness to "judge" your character and working attitude.
So to give it your best shot.

Now, let me show you how I fix my hair at Salon De Choix.

Monday, May 25, 2015

#17 Salon De Choix: Pixel Hair

Hi ladies!
Like what the title says...
I went back to Salon De Choix & get pixelated!
Q. What is pixelated hair?
It's a new hair colour technique that achieves a new chromatic dimension and color pixelated effect on the hair. It plays with the movement and transforming these textures into the appearance of the pixel effect—something that's hardly seen in Singapore yet! Definitely a hair colour technique worth to try for daredevils out there!

Monday, December 15, 2014

#15 Salon De Choix: Merry Christmas'14 ❣

It's been like 2 whole months since I last went to Salon De Choix 
due to overwhelming school assignments and commitments. 
Lucky for me, semester has finally come to an end and I manage 
to spare some time to visit them before Christmas to get my mane fixed!

Before I show you my fabulous new mane... 
Here's some before pictures!

 Been loosing quite a lot of hair recently due to school stress and lesser beauty sleep.
Totally inevitable for a uni student like mua~ )): 


Ok, time to get my mane fixed for this festive season!
 This time, I've finally had the courage to semi-bleached my hair!
Chester recommended an ash brown base 
with bleached highlghts for this festive season!

 Chester & his assistant selecting parts of my tresses to be bleached.
 Here's one closer view of my tresses manually selected by these professionals for bleaching.
 Next, this is the ash brown base that's gonna help give the contrast between 
my bleach highlights and my darker base. 

After all the hair dyes were nicely applied to my mane, 
I'll just have to wait & celfié!~

As after bleaching hair are very weak, 
I was advice to go for this
Kératase Luxury Hair Strengthening Ritual 
treatment,  which will help to strengthen chemically weakened treated hair like mine (:
After shampoo-ing my weak hair, a liquid elixir, Vita-Ciment was sprayed onto my damaged tresses before going for a hot hair steaming session. This step will help strengthen those damaged bleached and constantly dyed hair.

 Next, they'll apply the hair masque to reinforce hair fibres.
Now I'll have reconstructed tresses with a stronger and smoother finish!
After some washing and styling...
It's time to show the final result!



I was a little surprise with how I look initially because 
I've never tried ash colour before and I look really different and "cold" compared to all my previous "warmer" hair colours. Definitely a good difference since it's the Christmas season...
**good time to look like an ice princess**
 Thank you Chester for this whole new different look!

Definitely a look worth trying this Christmas season!
Here are some other famous celebrities who have ash brown hair with blond streaks...
 Favourite VS Angel, Lily Aldridge

Queen of Pop, Beyoncé

 Are you loving ash brown hair with blond streaks as much as I do now??
 If you haven't already had your hair makeover for this Christmas,

Salon De Choix NOW!!!

Tel: +65 6836 2959
Opening hours: 1030am - 0830pm daily!

3 Killiney Road #01-06
Winsland House 1 S(239519) 
Just take MRT to Somerset Station and walk towards KPO cafe.

Remember to quote my name to get 15% off! (:

If you're interested with my outfit,
I'm wearing a Black jumpsuit from Ohvola (:

To be honest with you, 
it took awhile for me to get use to my new hair colour because I felt like 
an ice cold princess with this hairstyle...
Somewhere along the line between Storm from Xmen & Elsa from Frozen.
Haha... but after a while I get used to my new look & kinda feel in love with it!
It's a good change actually (I'm a VS model wanna be & a queen bee!~)

I just wanna say...
Don't be afraid of change, sometimes it helps to find the better side of you (:

Nuff said... 
Here's more celfiés of me before I fly off to HK in a few hours time!

Here's one more shoutout!

Salon De Choix before X'mas ends!!!

Tel: +65 6836 2959
Opening hours: 1030am - 0830pm daily!

3 Killiney Road #01-06
Winsland House 1 S(239519) 
Just take MRT to Somerset Station and walk towards KPO cafe.

Remember to quote my name to get 15% off! (:


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

#13 Salon De Choix: ♥ R E D ♥

I know it's been almost 2 months since I last blogged!~
Like I said ga-zillion times...
I 've been travelling sooooo
Do follow my Instagram for my latest updates!

It's been 2 full months since I last step into Salon De Choix...
My mane is soooo dry now due to the harsh weather when I was in UK & 
my black roots have grown quite a fair bit too!

Needless to say, my hair colour have also gone sooo much lighter too!

Ariana Grande top hit "Problem" has been in my jam list for quite sometime now &
since then... I've been on the net to search for her latest updates etc...
So one day, I found loads of pictures of her red hair & I adore it!
I wanted a change for the new beginning in Singapore again (plus, it was National Day around the corner~) 
So after much consultation with Chester,
we managed to agree on RED with a tad difference on the technique to make it look better on typical Asian skin tone like mine (:

Here's my bowl of red jam!

I'll have a head of aluminium foils in no time!

Time to colour my roots! 
Bye bye fugly black roots!

After the first wash... Its time for TREATMENT! 

Trust me...
after travelling for soooo long...
My scalp & tresses totally deserves this!

Do you know that it's normal to get dandruff & oily scalp when you're back from travelling?
This is because your body is trying to adapt to the new environment and it might as long as 2 weeks!
Hence, to aid with my hair and scalp problem now...
I'll be doing the Ultimate Hair Revival Intense Hydrating Mask Treatment 
from The Morocannoil Treatment series together with the Tobbi Essence for Intense Scalp Relive. 

Steam steam...~~

Here's the final result 
Red Highlighted Tresses!
With light brown base, it enhances the Red highlights without darkening my Asian skin!
Now I'll get to have Red mane without looking any darker
 I'm finally back to BANGS again!!^^

 There's also a little purple streak on my bleached streak to add a little spark to the r e d look (:
Plus, my hair looks healthier & more manageable too!

I adore my new hair!

 Do you like my new hair done too??

Get yours done at Salon De Choix too!

Tel: +65 6836 2959
Opening hours: 1030am - 0830pm daily!

3 Killiney Road #01-06
Winsland House 1 S(239519) 
Just take MRT to Somerset Station and walk towards KPO cafe.

Remember to quote 
TRICIAKOHH for 15% off!

Last but not the least...

Top - H&M
Skirt - Part & Parcel (blogshop)
Bag - Kate Spade
Bracelet - Pandora
Heels - Primark 

Alright, till the next entry...
Go be beautiful!
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